Tiffany`s Broken Heart
I started this Go Fund Me account because I know that I am not the only one who would like to help my daughter as she once again travels to Toronto to have surgery to alleviate a heart condition.
She has always been a hard worker with strong work ethic however, she has been unable to work since August 2016. After this surgery (March 2017) she will be off work at least another 2 months.The condition she has is called AVNRT (AV Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia) .
If you are able to assist Tiffany with some expenses, I know she would be very grateful, and she can concentrate on her health, not her ever-growing overdue bills and medical expenses.
I know that it is hard to assist with a financial donation, but every bit will help her and please share this post,
Thank you