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VFW 2216 ~ Staunton, VA

Spende geschützt
The current COVID19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the economy.  This has seriously affected our non-profit and support groups as well.  Though we were expected to be quarantined for an original 14 day period, that has now expanded to months with no real deadline in sight.  Under the strict guidelines, VFW Post 2216 has not been able to conduct fundraising as normal and now needs our help more than ever.  The bills have not stopped during this time when it seems everything else has, and a new heating and air conditioning unit that was planned before the suspension of normal business has had to be put on hold.  It's hard to help our veterans and military families when the funds aren't there to cover the bills, just maintain.  The outflow of cash has not changed, but donations and fundraising have become nonexistent, almost forgotten. It is time for our community to give back so that we can help the VFW in Staunton make it through these rough times.  
Would you consider a donation to VFW Post 2216?
The goal we set is high, but we hope to get as close as possible to cover the monthly bills, assist our veteran families and, if possible, maintain our building structure as mentioned above.  Any donation amount will make an impact on whether the doors will reopen once our Governor permits it.  All donations are 100% tax deductible!  No donation is too small!
Your generous donation will help support VFW Post 2216 and their community presence in supporting our veterans; strengthening the bonds of the men and women who have and are currently serving in our military.  To learn more about VFW 2216, visit our Facebook page.   We look forward to getting back to normal ~ attending parades, having community picnics and providing entertainment for our members and our community.  Please stay safe and healthy and never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our Freedoms! 
Want to know more about the VFW?  
They are the nation's oldest veteran's service organization auxiliary with nearly 465,000 members representing all 50 States, the Washington, DC area and foreign locations such as Germany, Guam and Panama.  For over 100 years they have supported Veterans of Foreign Wars by serving both veterans and active-duty military and their families as well as supporting their communities while spreading patriotism nationwide.  In a single year, VFW organizations have provided over $4.6 Million dollars in aid to their communities.  They can also boast numbers of nearly 800,000 volunteer hours in VA Medical Centers, hospitals, nursing homes and veterans homes as well as having over 131,000 legislative contacts to help pass or block important bills, awarding $146,000 in Scholarships and working with over 285,000 youths.  They have PROUDLY distributed more than 332,000 American Flags.
It's an honor to support an organization that proudly serves veterans,  the military, their families and communities.  It is impossible to express complete appreciation for the sacrifices and commitment of every man and woman who has served in uniform.  God Bless you all.


Tim Clark
Staunton, VA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt