Health and Happiness Walk 2021
Thank you for finding my charity walk. Please allow me to give you a brief synopsis of the purpose of this walk.
In December of 2015, my world was flipped on its head within a few short days. I was diagnosed as HIV positive. Late in my diagnosis, my system was dangerously close to AIDS range. Working a full time job and just starting my professional career, the diagnosis dealt a crippling blow to my life plan. With little options, I turned to my local resource clinic, Equitas Health.
Through their care and reassurance, I was able to begin treatment and bolster a new found appreciation for life. My medication regimen proved effective and my body began recovering. I began exercising and taking better care of myself, but also wore a more positive outlook and demeanor. I leaned on my friends and family and they helped raise me up. I persevered because of the support system that I was privileged to have backing me.
Now, nearly 6 years later and through diligent adherence to my treatment, my body is recovering and I am leading a healthy and happy life.
Four years ago, I decided it was time for me to help give back, so I hosted the first Health and Happiness Walk. It was small, but mighty, but it's been a personal endeavor I have continued towards and set higher goals for each time I've hosted the event. Join me in raising money to benefit Equitas Health as I lead a walk to celebrate everyone who has been there to support me; my friends, my family, and Equitas Health. We will walk/run two separate paths starting at [ROUTE TO BE DETERMINED - 1.5 mile and 3.9 mile routes to be established] ending downtown at The Pizza Bandit/Yellow Cab Tavern. Join us in person, or support the cause from afar and walk/run wherever you are in the world!
If you're joining us in person, walk attendees will be treated to pizza on me and I am working to coordinate entertainment as well as donation baskets for raffle and silent auction, so even if walking isn't your speed, come find ways to contribute at the post walk celebrations!
Help me shine light on this disease and that there is help out there. With treatment and preventative measures, HIV doesn't have to be a life stopping diagnosis. There is Health and Happiness after HIV diagnosis.
All proceeds from this fundraiser will be donated in full to Equitas Health. Our venue will cover operation overhead, however, will donate all proceeds to the gofundme event page. Walk and event tickets will go on sale through Yellow Cab and will include access to the walk and post walk event, a slice of pizza, and a (non-alcholic) drink! Please donate on the gofundme if you wish to donate in addition to your entry cost or if you will be unable to attend the event!
Please assist sharing this fundraiser on your social media handles and see how much support we can get! This is an open invitation event - any and all people are welcome to walk with us!
*** https://gofund.me/1dd6920f ***
More information to come as I line up with local businesses, entertainment, and updates on path! This year is going to biggest and most exciting walk yet - I cannot wait to share all the exciting things I have in store for you all! STAY TUNED!
More information about Equitas Health, Inc.: Our mission is to be the gateway to good health for those at risk of or affected by HIV/AIDS, for the LGBTQ community, and for those seeking a welcoming healthcare home.