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Help Harry w/surgery expenses

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Harry is hopefully coming home today, just waiting for a call to say come and get him!!!  Harry's extensive stay in the ICU raised his hospital bill over $1000 more than originally planned.  We thank everyone who has sent prayers, well wishes, and donations, and greatly appreciate every single one!!  If you can, please continue to share this and donate if you can.  Harry would not have been able to have this surgery without your support!!

Harry is 7 months old today!!!  August 4th, 2014.  We were hoping to bring him home today, but because of some GI tract issues he is staying in the hospital at least another night.  Hopefully everything will work out and we will be able to bring him home tomorrow.  We miss him and need him home with us.  :)
Harry Potter is our 4 ½ month old pug who has been the life of our family.  Recently Harry has started losing weight and did not seem to have much energy anymore.  We came home one afternoon and found Harry very disoriented, his head swaying back and forth, he was tripping and falling into walls, and had an almost stricken look on his face ... we took him to our vet who ended up giving him liquid Valium to finally calm him down since he was in such a manic state.  She kept him for the night, thinking he would not make it, but thankfully in the morning she called and he was our Harry again! 

Our vet referred us on to another vet, who we went to that afternoon. After describing the symptoms and checking him out, he was pretty sure that Harry has Portosystemic Liver Shunt, and said in his 30+ years of being a vet, he has only seen 5 cases of this. He said we really need to go on to K-State College of Veterinary Medicine in Manhattan, KS, for a true diagnosis.

After a phone call to them, they said a diagnosis would cost about $1000 and that if that is what Harry has, that he will need surgery to put a shunt in, and that would run at least another $2500. They will not even look at Harry to diagnosis him until I have the funds for the diagnosis, which is out of my reach at this time.  I have already spent several hundred dollars taking Harry to the vets and trying to find out what we can do for this sweet little guy. As a single mom, it is out of my reach to come up with the money needed to make Harry well again.

The first two pictures below show Harry at about 8 weeks, and the bottom one is when we were bringing him home from the vet.  The main picture shows how Harry looks after he comes out of his state.....worn out, weary, sad .....

If you are able to assist with some of Harry’s medical bills, I would be forever grateful. Please help me to give Harry the loving life this wonderful little dog needs!!



  • Christine, Dan & Herman (the pug) Drews
    • $40
    • 10 yrs


Sherri Gustafson Bertrand
Osborne, KS

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