Instant Party! TAKEOVER FUND
Seems there has been some sort of miscommunication with what the purpose of this funding is for. Long story short, I don't have a car, and I also do not have any CDJ's or DJ'ing equipment in general. If you're wondering why I don't just go out and get a job to save up for my necessities, I took the risk of not working so I can dedicate my time to my music, I used to work full time prior to all this and from that I was not productive at all with my music, in life, there are many sacrifices to be made and I took the liberty to take this one, I do not regret it, although it does suck time to time, without that choice I wouldn't have gotten nearly as close to where I have today with my music. To those wondering why I haven't been playing anywhere at all, it's simply because I do not have the experience to play yet. And as I always try to perfect my craft in music, I also want to perfect my craft in DJ'ing. I have turned down dozens of booking offers only because I don't know how to spin yet. With that being said, every dollar that comes to me through this will be pushed towards a mode of transportation, as well as investing into CDJ's. Please do not view me as someone who is trying to milk my fans of my growing success and fanbase because that has not been the case and if you have been around since the beginning, you've noticed that I have always given away my music for free, and always been replying to fans and their emails. I'm a peoples person and I am just as much of a fan to other artists as you are to me. Please understand that we all have our own battles and I am currently working as hard as I can to push my music as far as I can. The way I look at it, is that in the end, eventually I will be giving all of this back to you... Please no negativity, if it persists, I would gladly and humbly remove this. I care about you guys more than you might think. Thank you
-Instant Party!