How to Regulate Psychedelics
It’s time to produce the first-ever guide on how to legally regulate psychedelics for non-medical use.
Donate today to help make this happen. With a donation of £30 or more, you will receive an early copy of the guide in Spring. With a donation of £50 or more, your name will be printed in the guide as one of our donors.
Transform has already helped show how cannabis can be responsibly legalised and regulated. Governments from around the world, including Canada, Germany, Luxembourg, and Mexico have all drawn on our expertise. We are already shaping the future of drug regulation.
But what about psychedelics?
Psychedelic drugs have been an enduring source of fascination in science and popular culture. While attention in recent years has mostly focused on the potential therapeutic uses of psychedelics, we want to look at how to shape policy and regulation for psychedelics outside the medical sphere.
This non-medical use constitutes the overwhelming majority of psychedelic drug consumption but is often overlooked in public debate. This is a gap that we want to fill with this guide.
We are asking: How do we minimise the risks and maximise the benefits of psychedelics? How do we prevent over commercialisation of the market? How would they be produced and made available in a legally regulated space? From foraging magic mushrooms to licenced sales of LSD - these are some of the ideas we will be exploring and making practical, evidence-based proposals on.
This guide will be the first of its kind and will help inform the people who make policies and the advocates. Your donation will be used to produce, publish and distribute this ground-breaking publication to the people who are making decisions around the world. As the ‘psychedelic renaissance’ gathers pace, please support us so we can stay one step ahead.
Thank you for supporting our work.
Transform is a world-leading think-tank and independent charity working towards a world where drug policy contributes to safer and healthier societies. To learn more about Transform Drug Policy Foundation and our work please visit www.transformdrugs.org
Transform Drug Policy Foundation