Alternative Media in #Ferguson
Since Mike Brown was shot and killed by a police officer, Darren Wilson, on Aug. 9, the people of Ferguson seeking justice have faced police and military force. Journalists from The Anti-Media, The Free Thought Project and Revolution News would like to join the people on the ground in Ferguson to bring you the news as it happens via articles, livestream and livetweeting. But, we can't do it without your support. Please help us get representatives of alternative media on the ground by donating and sharing our gofundme link.
$1500 transports three journalists, one from each organization, onto the ground in Ferguson for a minimum of 6 days.
Another $500 will go towards gas masks for protestors in Ferguson that the journalists will purchase in Kansas City and drive in (gas masks are sold out within a 100 mile radius of Ferguson).
Help us get real people on the ground reporting real news. Without it, all we have left is corporate propaganda.