Cambodia Photography Workshop
I am raising money to paricipate in a workshop with The Giving Lens. The Giving Lens is an organization that caught my attention a few months ago as my curiosity and desire to see things from a wider perspective started to expand. They travel to developing countries all over the world working with NGO's to help raise awareness and education to many by bringing enthusiasic and hard working photographers to document, experiance, and help the cause.
While in Cambodia, we will be working with the Anjali House , a program that works to provide street children with healthcare, food, and arts.
(photo via The Giving Lens from a previous Cambodia trip)
Funds will help to cover expenses such as the cost of The Giving Lens workshop, which includes a donation to Anjali House, for the trip, flights, visa and arrival fees, passport costs, travel vaccinations, and travel insurance (and possibly a little coffee to get me through the hours of Google Research I will most likely end up doing beforehand).
For more on the Giving Lens Click Here
(photo via The Giving Lens from a previous Cambodia trip)
Thank you for taking the time to read about this! If you have any questions, please contact me.