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sadly Daisy, 4 years old, my nieces bichon frisée was hit by a car on Telford Road on Friday.
the car failed to stop, allowing my heart broken niece to deal with this herself.
my niece was taking Daisy into the back garden, where unfortunately somebody opened the stair door and Daisy ran out onto the road.
daisy has two broken pelvis and the insurance won’t cover this operation so we are being forced to try and raise this money or unfortunately Daisy will be put to sleep.
im trying to help raise this as I can’t see my niece heart broken like this. Daisy is her dog, and was given to her after a horrible time in her life. Leah suffers with epilepsy and Daisy has been a huge help to Leah in the past, alerting us when she’s had a seizure.
please please help us try raise some money to help Daisy.


Rachael Kerr

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