Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Aiden's Medical Fund

Spende geschützt
At our 20 week ultrasound, we found out that our baby boy had a birth defect called an omphalocele. Later we were told it was a large omphalocele. His liver, gallbladder, part of his stomach and his intestines were outside his body in a sac that was equal to his size at our 28wk appointment.  Aiden was born by emergency c-section at 32 wks 5 days and will spend several months and have multiple surgeries at Children's Hospital. It is unsure at this point when he will be able to come home or what life will be like.   Any donations will go toward Aiden's medical bills, gas to travel back and forth, shelter and meals while at Children's, or coverage of any other bills that will help us be by our son and to care for his needs.


  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Cherise Ellingsberg
New Ulm, MN

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