Unexpected car repairs
Hi, I am Layla
I was driving a car that was in great condition and paid off. I was hit at an intersection, it wasn't my fault and the car was totalled by my insurance company.
I purchased a used Explorer. It is beautiful, well cared for and owned by a respected couple in the community.
Two weeks after I purchased it, the drive chain began to rattle. There was no way for them to know it would happen and there was no way for me to know. It's a perfect vehicle with a very serious engine issue.
I use my vehicle to take care of my son, spend time outdoors with my cousins children, work and have a reasonable budget that I can afford.
I can not afford this unexpected car repair.
I created this, with the hope that I can share it with my family and friends and I will offer it as a way for the seller to help. Maybe my community and theirs together, can help me get back to where I was before the car accident. In a reliable working vehicle. The repair cost is 3800.00.
If I can raise anything towards that repair bill, I would be so thankful.
My sisters and I were taking care of my mom at home, when she passed away from breast cancer. It was January, just as covid began. I made the choice to raise my young son alone. I am a proud, positive person as everyone knows. I attend therapy regularly, take care of my family and want to continue healing from our experiences. My vehicle means so much to my daily life, and my journey of healing.
I am asking for donations to get the repairs it needs. Thank you so much, for everyone who has asked how to help.