Free Anthony Wint jr.
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FREE Anthony Wint, Jr.
Born: Brooklyn, NY 1991
Age: 17 at time of arrest, 29 now (2020)
Goals: Influence ownership in black community; to organize and manage a green energy organization.
On May 15, 2009, when Anthony Wint was arrested, he was a former Florida Senate page, a United States Navy recruit and a community activist that helped to turnout the youth vote in the 2008 Presidential election. Due to unfair trial proceedings Anthony was convicted as a principle and sentenced to 45 years by Judge John S. Kastrenakes, an abusive Palm Beach County judge in Florida's Fifteenth Judicial Circut. This is the same judge Kastrenakes, that again abused his powers, when in 2019, he sentenced another young black man to jail time for arriving late to jury duty. In addaddition, a harsh 45 year sensentence is both inappropriate and illegal, particularly in light of the nature of the offense.
Our efforts to utilize gofundme will cover attorney fees, investigative work, court transcripts, court filing fees and appeal filing fees. Anthony has previously filed five petitions for sentence, modification, and/or reduction, which were all denied by Judge John Kastrenakes. Currently, Anthony's case is in the US Court of Appeal for the 11th Circuit, a petition for habeas corpus. Concurrently, Anthony's family will pursue exoneration and a total clearing of his name in State Court.
The American criminal justice system is at a critical juncture, a historical crossroad. The murder of a black man at the hands of four police officer of the Minneapolis Police Department, among others, has brought well deserved attention to the gross inequities of the American Criminal Justice system.
Judge Kastrenakes, knowingly and intentionally used the Criminal Justice System to unjustly sentence Anthony Wint. Anthony, his community, his family and friends are calling for state and federal policymakers to reform unfair sentencing of 45 years that Anthony received from Judge Kastrenakes. Although Anthony is just one out of many minorities that are victimized by a racist criminal justice system, a reduction reconsideration of this uneven and harsh punishment will be in line with the goals of most Americans, in the reconciliation toward a more just system for African Americans and all minorities.
Prior reports have suggested disparities in which, Kastrenakas and other white judges’ decisions are affected, when faced with the opportunity to reduce sentences. This is true, even when the unfair sentence is appealed. When black male offenders are successful in seeking sentence reduction from a judge, the sentences of black males were still 16.8 percent longer than white male offenders who received a sentence reduction from judges on appeal. In Anthony's case, an appeal was requested on four separate occasions to Judge Kastrenakes. On each attempt to reduce Anthony's sentencing, it was denied, without consideration. For these reasons, a petition was filed in federal court.
Our movement toward reform is not only about Anthony Wint and his wrongful conviction as a principle in a crime that he was not present for or was a principle of, for so many others like Anthony, who are being convicted as a principle in a crime without evidence to support such convictions, it is clear that racial bias is at the core of these decisions.
As Champions for Anthony, we are committed to ensuring equitable treatment of individuals, particularly minorities by local, state and federal agencies. Below are several case laws that support Anthony's cause:
Adam James Malcolm v. State of Florida - Violation of Double Jeopardy clause
David Wheelan v. State of Florida - State failed to include testimony of material defense witness/ Key Witness
Gonzolo Lopez Mazariegos v. State of Florida - The State of Florida, violated discovery procedure, therefore prejudicing Anthony to the jury.
Mathew James Hubbard v. State of Florida - . The court allowed harmful and prejudicial information into evidence.
Roudy Emmanuel Remy v. State of Florida - The trial court and Judge Kastrenakes, abused its power.
In addition, as per Florida § 916.12, Fla. Stat.; Fla. R. Crim. P. 3.211(a), Anthony Wint had no factual, understanding of the court procedings being held against him.
Terrence Narinesingh v. State of Florida - A trial court cannot include non-existing crime on Judgement or Sentencing document.
Anthony's family is confident in his innocence and request your much needed support.
We thank you in advance, as Anthony Wint continues to fight for justice as well as systemic changes and equal rights for all, which are the birthright of every human being.
Anthony Rwenzori
Cambria Heights, NY