Yemen Crisis Appeal
Yemen is the largest
humanitarian crisis in the world.
We are raising money in aid of Save The Children and every
donation will help in sha allah .
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us
Yemen is one of Arabs poorest
countries. It is hanging from a
thread due to the 3 Pandemics
they have and are being faced
with ; Economical Collapse, War
and Cornavirus.
The war in Yemen has trapped
the country in a food crisis that
may have already killed
85,000 children.
The impact of coronavirus on
Yemen will be devastating after
five years of civil war and half of
the country's health facilities
destroyed in the conflict.
Yemen has just over 300
confirmed cases of the virus,
but there are reports of deaths
from COVID-19 symptoms from around the country.
A Hadith in Ahmad narrated by
Jubair ibn Mut‘im says, ‘We were with the Messenger of Allah on a road between Makkah- Marina
and he said:
“The people of Yemen are on the verge of ascending upon you as if they are clouds. They are the best people on Earth.“