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Help us build a school in Guatemala!

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Hello! My name is Michael Tirpak and I am twenty years old. I was born and raised in Boston, Ma but I currently go to school in Daytona Beach, FL. I am really excited to be putting on this fundraiser for a trip I am going to be taking to Guatemala July 24- July 30! The goal is to raise $3,000 and I am going to be putting on seven fundraisers between now and July 24 to make this dream become a reality! Any donation and support will be extremely appreciated. 


Here are some link regarding the volunteer trip. Check them out everything is legitimate and I am so excited about it. Thanks for checking out my page! I sure hope to reach my goal, and with your help I know it is possible. Peace, love, and positivity!!


  • Anonym
    • $44
    • 10 yrs


Michael Tirpak
Marlborough, MA

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