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Mission for Ukraine

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February 27, 2025

Monday, February 25th marked the third year of Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. The United States has begun unilateral steps to negotiate a peace accord with Russia. While all this activity takes place on the global stage, our Mission remains committed to our humanitarian work helping the Ukrainian people as much as we can. As we have written before, we avoid taking political sides and we do not provide military support (other than medical equipment). However, as has been written, silence can amount to betrayal. We want to take this opportunity to state the facts and we must stand up for the people of Ukraine.

As such, we would be remiss if we did not state the obvious: Russia invaded Ukraine, Russia is the aggressor, and it is ludicrous to say that Ukraine started this war. Think back and remember the scenes from the early days of the war: Russian troops and columns of Russian tanks and personnel carriers streaming in from Belarus towards Kyiv; missiles flying into urban areas; the Bucha massacre; the bombing of the Mariupol theatre where women and children had sheltered - killing 300 civilians; the indiscriminate bombing of schools, hospitals and churches - reducing so many towns and cities to rubble; torture chambers in Russian occupied areas; the looting and destruction of Ukrainian culture; execution of prominent citizens in many villages and the displacement of 12 million Ukrainians across the country and around the world. On Monday night, Russia unleashed more drones than ever before in the war. Ukraine is hardly to blame. And yet, President Trump and the administration condemn Ukraine and call Zelensky a dictator. Two days ago, the US voted against the annual UN Resolution condemning Russia for the Ukraine invasion.

For the first time, our country joined Russia, North Korea, Iran and Belarus in this vote or perhaps any vote at the UN. Even China abstained.

Also, as you have read, the US sought last week to force Ukraine - through extortion - to agree to a crippling “economic partnership” without any security guarantees. The US proposal remains fluid, but based on a draft of the agreement for a “Reconstruction Investment Fund,” it seems that the US proposal could hobble Ukraine financially, by denying it access to significant domestic revenue just when it needs it most. The draft provides the Fund will reinvest in Ukraine, however the details - such as how much the US contributes - are to be negotiated. The draft is clear in one area: no US security guarantee. We also note the US has not provided $350 Billion in aid to Ukraine. It is approximately $120 Billion and much of that was paid to US military contractors and to restock US arms supplies. Importantly, we should be encouraging investment in Ukraine from all global sources, not depriving it of revenue. A loss of revenue could lead to instability just as Ukraine recovers and rebuilds and the costs to rebuild Ukraine will be gargantuan. A financially weak Ukraine is great for Russia, but not for Europe or, ultimately, the USA. Finally, we do not see how this agreement prepares a path to an armistice or peace.

Lastly, with the loss of USAID funding, hundreds of important projects, such as repairing energy infrastructure, HIV and polio immunizations, rebuilding schools and hospitals, veteran support, teachers’ salaries, first responders’ equipment, fresh water systems, waste-water upgrades, general budgetary support and much more are now gone. This was a safety net that Ukraine desperately needed and still needs. Our Mission cannot begin to plug this gap, but what we can do is continue our efforts to bring a small measure of hope and relief to many.

The President’s revisionist history and the administration’s various proposals amount to a historic betrayal of a long-time ally, Ukraine. It is a betrayal of and dishonor to the courageous Ukrainian heros of the unprovoked Russian invasion, including the Ukrainian civilians - women and children - who have sacrificed so much day after day and night after night over the last three years. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians have paid the ultimate price for Ukraine’s freedom from Russian domination. In our travels in Ukraine, we have seen many cemeteries with dozens of fresh graves.

Despite all this, or perhaps in the face of it, we stand by our Mission’s goals and we will continue to do what we can to help Ukraine as long as you – our generous donors – continue to support the work. Our Mission’s work on prosthetics in western Ukraine, delivering supplies into Ukraine, as well as our art therapy and school lunch programs in Warsaw are needed now more than ever.

Slava Ukraine !!!

January 29, 2025

Our Mission begins this New Year with the goal of streamlining and increasing the work at the new prosthetic clinic in the Transcarpathian Regional Clinic Hospital in Uzhhorod, Western Ukraine. As we have written, beginning in late November, the clinic has been successful in making below-knee prosthetics for amputees. Baylor College of Medicine has set a goal of 25 to 30 successful prosthetics for patients to conclude that the “system” works. In this event, the plan would be to add a printer or more in Uzhhorod and expand to other hospitals in Ukraine. Smith Graham is a volunteer with our Mission and will live in Uzhhorod to coordinate the efforts of the various stakeholders.

In Warsaw, we expanded our art therapy classes by adding a woodworking class taught by Leszek, a Polish citizen. Last month, the painting and other crafts classes in our art therapy programs at two Ukrainian schools, the Polish Museum of Jewish History, and the Hines Wola Center were all very busy. Please see the Updates below, with photos from December of various holiday preparations: Christmas crafts, Christmas cards for Ukrainian troops on the front line, Santa visiting a class and the woodworking class. We also provided financial support for new furniture in the Love Does School, now that the school has expanded and covers the entire two-story building.

As always, we are extremely grateful for your continued support and your generous financial donations, all of which make it possible for our Mission to continue to deliver - and in small measure improve - the Ukrainian’s situation, be they in Ukraine or Poland.


Dear Family and Friends,

As we approach 1,000 days of nonstop, onslaught, slaughter and destruction from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we write to let you know that our Mission remains focused on what we can do to help those in need. Awash in less than good news about Ukraine and its future prospects, we have great news about our project for manufacturing prosthetic sockets for amputees in Ukraine.

The really good news is that the new prosthetic and rehabilitation clinic at the Transcarpathian Regional Hospital (TCRH) in western Ukraine will be open soon, probably next week. This pilot project will result in new limbs for hopefully 10-20 below knee amputees by the end of this year, allowing them mobility for the first time. The clinic is opening in a deliberate, methodical manner to ensure proper clinician training, patient fitting and safety, as well as patient rehabilitation with their new limb. If the pilot is successful, we plan to layer on more 3D printers at TRCH and other Ukrainian hospitals.

If you recall, our Mission has been working with Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) and Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) over the past year to open a clinic for prosthetic manufacture, installation and rehabilitation at TCRH in Uzhhorod, Ukraine. We are also working with Invent Medical (Ostrava, Czech Republic) and Filaments Innovation (Allentown, Pennsylvania). TCRH has completely refurbished two areas to accommodate the prosthetic 3D printing and fitting as well as rehabilitation. Invent used our Mission’s 3D printer to reprogram and fine tune their proprietary software for scanning limbs and, importantly, working with Filaments and BCM, was able to improve on the raw material used in the printer to create the socket. Further, BCM decided on Bulldog Tools (Ohio-based socket liner and hardware provider) to provide the liner for the socket, hardware and foot and worked with Bulldog to refine their prosthetic products for the Ukraine clinic. All of these improvements will make a huge positive difference in the manufacture, fitting and durability of the final prosthetic products. The total cost for a new prosthetic, with all the parts, will be about $500 per person.

Last week, five TCRH amputation and rehabilitation clinicians travelled to Ostrava for training on our 3-D printer and other devices at Invent Medical’s headquarters. BCM and Filaments Innovation led the training with Invent Medical’s staff. The training was very successful. On completion of the training, our printer was shipped to the new TCRH clinic and next week will be, fingers crossed, making new prosthetic sockets. Frank and Bill will be at TCRH in Ukraine November 20th to 21st. We will report on the new clinic on their return.

They will also be in Warsaw next week meeting with our partners conducting art therapy and running a Ukrainian school. We plan to meet with “In The Meantime,” the courageous volunteer Polish medical corps saving lives on the front lines in Ukraine as well. We have been assisting in sourcing and providing life-saving medical equipment and supplies.

Below, we post photos from the last couple of weeks of various activities.

Again, we remain committed to delivering aid and relief to the many victims of this unfathomable war. Even if the war is over soon, we will have much to do to help the innocents in rebuilding their lives.
Thank you for your continued and generous support of our Mission.

Slava Ukraine!
Bill & Frank


Dear friends,
This is a short update on our Mission’s work since July 1. First, as you’ve read, the Russian response to Ukraine’s invasion has been a significant increase in bombing and destruction of civilian housing and infrastructure, resulting in new levels of killed or injured innocent civilians. Second, Russia’s advance on the eastern front has caused evacuation of tens of thousands, thus a new wave of internally displaced persons (IDPs) on the move. And, this new phase of the war means even more destruction of homes, hospitals and schools. Ukraine needs more supplies of food, bedding, medical equipment and medicines, pet food, clothing, and other items. And, with damage to the energy infrastructure, the country must prepare for another winter. While not always “front page” news, this war continues unabated, and our Mission will continue to do what we can for the people of Ukraine.

We are still working with our partner in Denmark, Fair Dog, and it’s leader, Charlotte Andersson. She and her group continue to receive truckloads of donations bound for Ukraine, although far less than before. Our Mission will continue to assist with the 18-wheeler transportation of these donations to where needed in Ukraine. Next week, they will send 28 pallets of food, pet food, medicines, clothing, medical equipment and other items to Ukraine. Charlotte also recognizes the need for a renewed effort to increase supplies for those IDPs and other civilians preparing for winter. We are looking for ways to increase the donations or to otherwise assist in transporting goods from Europe into Ukraine. Also, we have a contact in France who works with a group that has gathered and sent donations since the war began. Just this week, we made a small donation to enable transport of donated medical supplies from France to hospitals in eastern Ukraine. Several photos are posted in Updates below.

Our work with Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) to establish a Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R) clinic in the Transcarpathian Regional Hospital in Uzhhorod, Ukraine remains on track. Current plans are to install our Mission’s 3-D printer (to initially “print” prosthetic sockets for below the knee amputations) and open the clinic in the hospital in early October. We will be transporting the 3D printer from Ostrava, Czechia to Ukraine and have started the lengthy export/import documentation process. This will be a milestone event for BCM, the Transcarpathian Regional Hospital and our Mission. But, most of all and more importantly, the clinic will be a godsend to the many men, women and children amputees in need of prosthetic devices in Ukraine.

As you can read and see from the recent updates below, our Mission’s art therapy program in Warsaw continues to serve hundreds of women and children each week. We are delighted with both Lilia and Ludmyla, whose tireless efforts bring joy and relief to so many. Our lunch program at the Warsaw Ukrainian school, Love Does, continued over the summer as many of the children were there for summer camp.

Back in 2023, we purchased one of the Przmesyl, Poland city buses. It was used to transport a large load of donated goods to Ukraine, but we have been looking for a better use. Health Rite (a US NGO doing all manner of psychological treatment in Ukraine) were interested in using it as a mobile therapy clinic, but they preferred a smaller vehicle. Humanitarian Innovation Group, the Polish NGO developing after school learning labs in Ukraine, may refurbish the bus for a mobile learning lab. We are hopeful that can be done.

Once more, we are grateful for your financial support and encouragement and without such we would not be able to maintain our Mission. Thank you very much.

Slava Ukraine!
Bill & Frank

May 2024: Travel to Poland and Ukraine.
An update since our 2023 Annual Report.

Frank and Bill H. recently spent nine days in Poland and Ukraine meeting with partners and confirming the viability of the new prosthetics clinic at a regional hospital in Western Ukraine, using a 3D printer.

The 3D printer purchased by our Mission and shipped to Ostrava, Czech Republic (for software calibration by Invent Medical) will be moved in August to the new clinic in Ukraine. As we reported in early March, Invent Medical is a leading prosthetics and rehabilitation device developer using 3D printing technology.

This 3D printer will be one of the first, or maybe the first, 3D printer that will be used for making below the knee prosthetic sockets in Ukraine. This will significantly reduce the time to make leg sockets from two days to four hours. Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) will oversee the training of Ukrainian hospital staff and installation of the printer at the Transcarpathian Regional Hospital in Uzhhorod, Ukraine. This first 3D printer will be a pilot program and, if successful, will likely lead to dozens of 3D printers at hospitals across Ukraine. BCM estimates Ukraine has 30,000 men, women and children with below the knee amputations. With one 3D printer, BCM estimates the new clinic can make 150-200 prosthetic sockets by year end and 1000 or more next year.

Our Mission’s 3D printer is manufactured by Filament Innovations (Allentown, PA) and the company’s founder (Mike Gorski) met BCM at Invent Medical’s offices in Ostrava in late May. While there, Jared Howell (BCM) and Mike Gorski worked with Invent Medical on several successful tests of our 3D printer. Both said the prosthetic sockets made in Ostrava exceeded expectations for a new socket, which was fitted on an existing amputee patient.

We travelled to Uzhhorod, Ukraine, and met with with Yuri Yatsyna, Chief Administrator of the Trannscarpathian Regional Hospital, along with Jared Howell and Mike Gorski. Importantly, we confirmed that Trannscarpathian Regional Hospital will be set up and ready to receive our 3D printer in August. Mr. Yatsyna confirmed the hospital will have renovated space available and sufficient hospital rehabilitation staff to manage the new clinic. We left the meeting in Uzhhorod knowing that our Mission’s effort to establish a new 3D-capable prosthetics clinic in Ukraine, which started with our first trip with BCM and Texas Children’s Hospital teams last October, will become a reality in August! More importantly, the new clinic can now provide amputees with sockets and full prosthetics, enabling them to become mobile once more and start rehabilitation.

Before traveling to western Ukraine via Slovakia, we also met with several Mission partners in Warsaw.

  • Life Polska Foundation / Love Does School: We met the Pastor of the nondenominational church (“Life Polska”) that furnishes the Love Does school building and the school administrator. (Love Does is a US non-profit that provides teacher salaries). About 100 Ukrainian refugee children attend the school and over 200 are on the waiting list. We saw the recently enlarged school building in operation, with the younger children on the first floor and older students on the second floor. Our Mission is providing $3000 per month to support hot lunches for all the children in the school. (While there, we saw delivery of the appetizing hot lunches). Our Mission also supports the school’s physical education/sports/dance class and we will support the school’s “Summer in the City” program so the children and young adults remain active when school is closed. The school administrator, Annemarie, travels to Ukraine once a month to deliver “maternity boxes” to expectant or new mothers. Each box includes baby clothes, mother’s robe, formula, treats and a “Letter from God.” The boxes are hand-delivered, and Annemarie and her friends spend time with each mother. They visit hospitals fairly close to the front lines and are sometimes wearing helmets and metal jackets.

  • Lilia’s Art Therapy class: We met with Lilia and were present for two of her classes, the first of which was refugee Ukrainian mothers with children with autism and other disabilities. The mothers are extremely grateful for the art therapy that brings them together for social time and friendship. The second class was for refugee Ukrainian women undergoing cancer treatment in Warsaw. We saw the women collaborating on painting a mural while singing folk songs. In both classes, what we heard and the emotions we witnessed were heart-rending. All of the women are dealing with personal or family medical issues, having escaped war in their country - many with nothing - and all have lost friends and loved ones in the war. Participants in both classes told us how important art therapy is to their emotional healing and well-being. Regrettably, Lilia will lose the ground floor space in the Hines Wola Center, which has been graciously donated by the Hines Poland Corp. for over a year. Our Mission will now try to find another space for Lilia’s art therapy classes when she’s not teaching at the Love Does School. Our Mission’s other art therapy program is run by Ludmyla; however, she was out of Warsaw when we were there. Again, they touch over 100 women and children each week.

  • Happy Kids: Happy Kids still has over 500 Ukrainian orphans under their care in various places around Poland. We have stressed with them our Mission’s desire to assist with Ukrainian orphans. They provided a summary of the Ukrainian orphans conditions and costs to care for them. Happy Kids also sought our help in fundraising for other for other Ukrainian and Polish orphan activities.

  • David Craig: We met David at our Mission’s warehouse on the Ukraine/Polish border. We agreed with David that it was time to conclude our warehousing and transportation activities from the Polish border. The ability to ship donated goods into Ukraine has improved and humanitarian goods can now enter Ukraine without delay. Also, a Ukrainian courier service (NovaPoshta) accepts boxed and palleted goods, equipment and food, etc., and delivers to locations near the front line, at extremely low rates or sometimes free of charge. We continue to loan vehicles purchased by our Mission to various Ukrainian nonprofits and the fire department near Kherson. David plans to move to Ukraine and we will remain in contact.

  • Humanitarian Innovation Group (HIG): This group has opened and are now operating three Innovation Learning Labs (ILL) in Ukraine. These labs are in buildings donated by the local community or city and provide much needed after-school, hands-on educational activities to complement the rote teaching children receive in class or online. The Ukrainian school children have now had their schooling interrupted by two years of Covid and over two years of the war with Russia. Thus, the ILLs are extremely popular with the students and families. HIG plans to open two more ILLs in the next few months at a cost of $50,000-$75,000 per ILL. The Lufthansa Foundation is providing a significant portion of the set-up costs. We are considering ways in which our Mission could support these important educational outlets for Ukrainian school children.

  • In the Meantime: Our Mission supports “Foundation in the Meantime.” This is a group of Polish and international volunteer medics who have been working on the Ukrainian front lines since 2014, when Russia initially invaded eastern Ukraine. They provide life-saving aid to military personnel in fiercely contested battle areas. We did not meet with them, as the leaders were in Ukraine. Our Mission has supported them in the past by purchasing medical equipment. Recently, we purchased over $4000 worth of equipment on Amazon, from donations made by Alex Timken and his supporters. St John’s Church, Jackson, kindly facilitated the transfer of those donations to our Mission account so we could purchase the medical equipment for Alex. He then flew to Warsaw and delivered duffle bags full of their equipment.

In summary, our meetings with BCM and Filaments Innovation at the Trannscarpathian Regional Hospital was a significant milestone to confirm the hospital and staff will be ready for our Mission’s 3D printer in the new prosthetics clinic under BCM’s auspices. And, we were delighted with the exceptional results from our 3D printer’s tests in Ostrava. Further, our meetings and time spent with partners in Warsaw were useful to witness their important work with Ukrainian refugees, discuss ways to improve, and hear their continued desire to support and aid Ukrainian refugees in Poland and work in Ukraine. In our travels, we were reminded daily of how important our work, albeit small scale, is and will continue to be to hundreds of Ukrainians harmed by this tragic war.

As always, we thank you for your continued support, both financially and personally. It is truly unbelievable that this conflict continues. Indeed, the need to render aid to those impacted by this tragedy has not diminished. Our methods and long-term outlook has changed, but the Mission stays its course.

Thank you. Slava Ukraine!


  • Deedie Rose
    • $2,000
    • 11 d
  • Kevin Greenfield
    • $50
    • 13 d
    • $50
    • 13 d
  • Krista Grandey
    • $50
    • 14 d
  • Stuart Wheaton
    • $100
    • 18 d

Fundraising team: Bill H, Bill B, John C & Rob H (5)

Robert Hayes
Denver, CO
Bill Hayes
Team member
John Carey
Team member
Frank Donnelly
Team member
Willard Boss
Team member

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