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A bag of HOPE

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Recently I was able to support the Anderson Educational Trust in Tamil Nadu as they continue to distribute food to the poorest communities, during  incredibly difficult times due to COVID

My colleague Reynold who heads up the charity said,

'Feeding young children during the COVID-19 pandemic - It is particularly important for young children to have a nutritious diet to protect their immunity, and to ensure their future growth and development.

The COVID-19 crisis is disrupting normal life, so that parents and caregivers may either not be able to afford or get out to buy the food that they normally give their young children putting many families at risk by impacting their food supply, livelihoods and household incomes and their ability to access critical services for health and nutrition, early childhood care, education and social protection in India.

This is especially true for the migrants and poor urban populations as well as many rural poor and other disadvantaged populations in India.'

We will continue to try to meet the needs of those most vulnerable as the crisis worsens in India.


Thanks for your help

Dave Cheeseman


  • David Moffoot
    • £100
    • 3 yrs


David Timothy Cheeseman

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