Special Needs Child, Mom Suffering Homelessness
Donation protected
On March 9th our house burned down. A total loss. We have nothing now. My daughter Jade turned 12 as she watched her home burn down. Jade is Autistic and was and still is having a hard time understanding why someone who was there to help her and her mother would burn down her home. We are having prroblems just getting help. Just getting any funding to keep her and myself in a hotel. You just can't find new affordable housing in a matter of days. Plus here in Naples Florida affordable housing has waiting list from 1 year to 10 years. I found one place has opening on May 9th. Just yesterday I went to St Vincnt DePaul here in Naples Florida. They turned us away, saying because you are homeless due to a house fire. You need to go back to the Red Cross. Well I guess they have never been homeless due to fire. But the Red Cross is "Johnny on the spot". They are there to get you off the sidewalk. They give you $600 and close the case in 5 days and that dose include the weekends, So $600 in High Seasn in Naples Florida got us 2 days at $290 per night. I spent all the money I have/had and we have untill March 20th at the Hotel. After that we are on the street. I am on oxygen 24/7 and in an electric wheelchair. Jade is autistic. We can't be homeless on the street. We can't go into any shelters here. Because Jade and myself are on Medication that are a liability. ADHD meds and my meds. I don't know what we are going to do. We were renting and now we have nothing left. This little girl has been thru so much the last 4 months. I have no clue how this event will effect her right after losing her father on November 27th 2022. I fear her having PTSD on all of this.
Money can and will help. But a home for Jade and myself would be the most important thing right now. So she can finish out her school year. But the truth is anything will help us right now.
WINK News Report
NBC News Report
NBC didn't get the details right. They say boy in the house, but this was my daughter Ms.Jade.
Naples Daily News
They say she was released, but she is still in custody at the Collier County Jail.
96K-Rock Report
We also got play on the local 96K-Rock Stan & Hanny Show. I will be looking for the link to that podcast. (Coming Soon.)
3/22 We got to plays on the Show.
This was my home.
The room she set on fire
Same room
Living room facing front door
Living room chair
Living room roof
Facing kitchen
Living room roof
Master bedroom
Master bedroom closet
Living room fan
Sliding glass door Living room
Jade our bus
Clothes found under stuff
Computers & TV water damage to everything in the house
Me picking out clothes to see if they can be saved from the massive smoke and water damage
I placed a link to a list on Amazon in the updates. And surprised donations are a huge welcome and also a surprise because I opted out of being notified. Here is that link in case you missed it.
Fundraising team: A Home For Jade & Mom (3)

Greta Koger-Adams
Naples, FL
Amy Adams
Team member
frank cowan
Team member