ALS- JP’s battle
Hello followers and friends,
Meet my brother in law JP Poirier, he is 42 years young. Last year he was diagnosed with the devastating and debilitating disease ALS ( Lou Gehrig’s disease).
JP is a husband, father of two girls and used to be a skilled carpenter and avid Harley Davidson rider, great story teller and people person.
JP now needs continuous care and aid to do his everyday things, like eat, shower, and dress. The life expectancy of ALS patients is 2 to five years. It is hard to watch a man like JP lose his abilities, along with his speech so quickly.
The goal of this campaign is to raise funds to support his medical care, treatments, his wife and two kids, along with home modifications that will be needed as he continues to loose his muscular abilities.
Since his diagnosis last year, we have seen huge declines in JP.
Here is a snap shot of his ability now compared to last year. All the “little Deaths” the disease is taking away from his daily life.
He can no longer wash his hands, scratch his head, rub his eyes, blow his nose, shower on his own, or brush his teeth.
He cannot put on any clothing requiring him to zip or button, putting on socks, pants or a shirt requires assistance.
Tie or pull on his shoes,
He can no longer Manipulate his phone, use the touch screen or put on head phones.
He can no longer hold a piece of paper or turn the pages.
Simple things in life we take for granted, simple things you do in your everyday life are now a battle for JP, something as simple as pushing an elevator button, is something JP can no longer do, or lift a cup to his mouth.
He now needs someone to feed him daily as he cannot do so.
The biggest change this summer, as been his ability to speak, he get hoarse and sore when he tries to speak, and his speech is slurred, more and
Thank you for your support. The more you share and tell his story, the more you help JP and his family. If everyone donated just the price of a fancy coffee, and then shared this with their networks. We pray. Thank you.