The Activation Bus : Don't Complain Activate
Grace and Peace Everyone,
Many of you know as the organizer for the MN Freedom Riders, the previous President for the Minneapolis NAACP, founder of Don’t Complain, Activate, and a young attorney and activist. If you know me personally, you know that my true passion is people. God put me here to touch and activate his people. Now it is time to activate with this RV that will be transformed into an activation bus. During the night it will serve as transitional housing for one youth at a time. During the day it will as a community education and engagement center. Young people will learn about Black history and be connected with resources in our community.
George Washington Carver traveled to teach Black people his discovery of over 100 ways to use sweet potato and a variety of other plants. I invite you all to invest in our “Activation Bus” to engage, educate, and elevate our community in that same spirit. We will:
· Engage by providing wrap-around services and resources
· Educate the community on Black history and current issues; and
· Elevate community members by providing them with knowledge and access to resources
This is more than a bus, this will be a Black woman-owned mobile educational, healing, and resource center for the community. Starting in Minnesota with plans to go to the East coast next.
We are purchasing an RV because the goal is to recreate Big Ma’s house on wheels. Anyone who has ever had a Big Ma knows that she provided a space where you could (1) learn through storytelling (2) get a hot meal (3) wash up and get a good night's rest. Young people need a place where they can learn their history and culture. They need a safe space where they can be reminded of their greatness.