All Business Is Essential
Economic Disobedience or Economic Suicide, your choice.
Fact: Globally 50,000,000 people will die each year. The covid19 pandemic is serious but the 200,000 deaths related to covid19 amount to .004% of the expected deaths. According to the the World Health Organization the common flu will kill 650,000 this year. This is more than 3X the amount currently on record for covid19, where is the outcry?
I think that the reaction by our government, both State and Federal, is doing more damage than good. The virus is serious but the USA has the facilities to handle it, in fact the human body must be exposed to it to develop anti-bodies to fight it. However, without a strong economy there will be no resources to fight this virus or any virus.
All business is essential, our government has selected which businesses they think are essential. This is the height of arrogance. Ask a single mother running a hair salon and using the profits generated to care for her special needs child if her business is important......all business is essential and very important!
I have used most funds $34,210 collected to start a billboard campaign and execute a PR campaign in Michigan to pressure our Governor to open the state by encouraging business owners of all sizes to engage in Economic Disobedience by opening their place of business regardless of "executive orders". The public can make the educated choice if they think its safe to enter your establishment or use your services.
Michigan and the USA need commerce, without it, the poverty created will cause far greater suffering than anything the covid19 can.
If you agree please contribute any amount you can. For all you business owners, large and small, please consider your donation a business development cost, your future depends on it. Currently we will use the donations to support Stand Up Michigans efforts to repeal the 1945 law that Grwtchen Whitmer is using to abuse the citizens of Michigan.
www.gatorbar.com www.superiorpolymer.com #covid #covid19 #covid_19 #michigan #executiveorders #essential