Annie's Orphans Nonprofit No-Kill Animal Shelter
Tax deductible

We are a safe haven for the abandoned, neglected, and abused dog population from throughout the greater Four Corners area to as far away as Tijuana, Mexico. (We were incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1997, which means your donations are tax deductible.)
We are a no-kill shelter. We do not believe that a dog is unadoptable or unworthy just because he is older or behaviorally challenged or otherwise difficult to care for. The well-being of all creatures is of the greatest possible importance to Annie's Orphans; many of the animals that come to us have had awful life experiences, and our intent is that they never again face another moment of harsh treatment, lack of care, or abandonment.
Our mission is to provide a refuge where they can live safely, comfortably, happily, and healthfully until they can find their forever home. For some of our dogs, adoption isn't an option; these are our sanctuary animals, for whom we provide a lifelong loving home. Since opening our doors over three decades ago, we’ve found homes for approximately 3,000 dogs.
Connect with us on our website - https://www.anniesk9orphans.org/
Follow us on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/anniesorphansdurango/
Like us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Annies-Orphans-Durango-CO-220982684729735/
Other ways to Donate
You can help by paying into our La Plata Electric Assn (LPEA) account to build a surplus. This will help us heat our kennels this winter when our electricity costs go up because of that. You can CALL LPEA at (970) [phone redacted] Mon-Thurs and tell them you want to make a payment to the "Annie's Orphans Account at 1630 CR 214" or put that in your memo section of a check and either mail it to them or put it in the drop-off window at LPEA.
- a check mailed to "Annie's Orphans, 1630 CR 214, Durango, CO 81301"
- our PayPal account https://www.anniesk9orphans.org/donate-index-impact
- our account at Durango Animal Hospital: Call them at (970) [phone redacted] to put money into the Annie's Orphans account
Thank you to the Chewy Family for supporting us on your website - https://www.chewy.com/g/annies-orphans_b67602898
Why We Need Your Help
This level of commitment comes with enormous costs, up to $125,000 per year. Historically, about 98% of our revenue has come from donations, but in the last few years, these donations have dropped off significantly. This year, 2020, has been even more difficult due to the inability to hold our annual summer fundraiser due to COVID restrictions. Bottom line: In order to keep taking care of our dogs and continue rescuing new ones, we absolutely must have an increase in donations.
How Your Donations Will Be Used
Vet bills: Each year we spend more than $11,000 on medical bills. Without the support of our amazing veterinarians, this number would be even higher. Special thank you to Durango Animal Hospital!
Dog food: Imagine having to buy food for 60+ dogs who eat an average of 50 pounds per day!
Utilities: Cold Colorado winters mean heating 60+ dog houses and electric water bowls.
Supplies: Each dog has its own yard and house. These houses have to be cleaned—vacuums, brooms, disinfectant, etc.—and filled with fresh hay. The yards must either be mowed or graveled.
Staff: After 30+ years as proprietors of Annie's Orphans, Anna and Bill Anderson (the founders) are still very much a part of what makes us tick. Bill is our project manager and does much of the maintenance while Anna takes care of the medical needs and administrative side of the shelter. (Neither of them receives any compensation or reimbursement whatsoever for their work. In other words, they do this stuff for free!) We also employ three loyal, hard-working folks who feed, water, and clean up after those 60 some-odd dogs. They also exercise, socialize, train, and groom them.
But without your support, we likely won't be able to do so much longer. We are grateful for any amount of support you're able to give. And if you can't give (which we completely understand), please share this project with someone who might.
Thank you from all of us at Annie's Orphans!
Fundraising team: Annie's Orphans (2)

Anna Anderson
Durango, CO
Annie's Orphans
Blue Lily Productions
Team member