Help for Anthony’s Return Home
Anthony Pickens was just eight years old the first time he was taken from home. By 11 years old he was steadfast in the gang life; at 15 years old he committed a crime as a part of that life. The foster care system failed him. The criminal justice system failed him.
At just 15 years old Anthony was sentenced to 29 years to life in prison. Can you imagine hearing that you would spend more time in prison than you had been alive? He was sentenced with only on person in the courtroom, his victim’s uncle, who forgave him and told him he needed to not let his time be in vain.
During his time incarcerated he has spent it educating himself, participating in social programs, volunteering with outside community partners and most recently, leading Uhuru SaSa, an African American Cultural Club inside of the Oregon State Penitentiary.
On September 28, 2021, Anthony was granted clemency by Governor Kate Brown and will return home to his wife and three children. While in prison, inmates aren’t afforded the ability to earn a wage that allows them to support themselves or to release with savings to help them transition.
Anthony has never been an adult on the outside. Donating to this fundraiser will allow Anthony to come home with one less obstacle and to be able to provide for himself until he can begin working. Thank you in advance for your support!