Arlene Francis Center Fund Drive
The Arlene Francis Center for Spirit, Art and Politics serves a unique community-building function for diverse citizens throughout Santa Rosa and Sonoma County. We offer an affordable production haven to emerging music, dance and theater groups, local non-profits doing outreach, and cultural-educational events that might not otherwise find a venue. And we hold true to a unique vision that links fostering a spiritual vision of love and community with a commitment to activism and social change.From Justice for Andy Lopez, to our poetry readings and film series, to our bi-annual Hootenannies and other musical events featuring hundreds of local bands and thousands of individuals artists, to our critically-praised summer presentations of Shakespeare in the Cannery, we've created an elevated social space committed to the idea that a synthesis of spirit, art, and politics in one spot can help to transform the world.
All of our effort for the last seven years has taken place with almost exclusively volunteer labor and minimal other expenses. We have actually committed ourselves to making this venture notabout money, and that's why we've tried to hold down our costs to a very low level and never allow the building to be used for commercial purposes--or any purpose--unrelated to our mission.
But we still have to raise $25,000 to defray the cost of our annual fees from the county, building repairs, and operating expenses not covered by our low-cost ticket sales and modest donations from friends and family. We don't make serious community appeals often, but we are making one this year; we need your support!
Link to Current Facebook Events Page
Arlene Francis
Santa Rosa, CA
Arlene Francis Foundation