Photo principale de la cagnotte


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"Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude"
                                                               -A.A. Milne

**Please know this fundraising page was not started by Ava's parents, rather by friends and family. 

The Scaglione family has a long road ahead. Please help them by alleviating some of the financial burden that comes with the battle of Ava's cancer.  We can't take it away, but we can try to make it an easier fight.

And she will most likely need some "pick-me-ups" from time to time. So, it was decided to start her Caring Bridge (see link below) page. This page is a group effort between Michael, Hayley, family, and friends. The updates will not always be from Michael and Hayley since they will be more occupied than usual. However, everything on the page has been approved by them.

Ava's love for her family and friends is strong. Lets be her strength right now during her fight. Please post messages of support, encouragement, and love for Ava. She will be so happy to hear everyone's words.


Ava's life has had many "stories" during her 6 years on this Earth. However, this one is the most current and different. What started as tummy pain ended up to be Stage 3 Cancer. Ava was diagnosed with a Wilms Tumor on her kidney in June 2014. After a failed attempt to remove the tumor surgically (it was too large and it was attached to nearby blood vessels) and the discovery of metastasis to her lungs, Ava is currently undergoing Chemo weekly to try to shrink it.  She will then undergo another surgery to remove the tumor.  Followed by more weeks of Chemo and Radiation combined.

Ava's beauty and grace has shined through during her Chemo treatments. Her attitude has remained positive and the smiles are always there. Her life over the next couple of months will be far different from other children her age.
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    • $25
    • 9 yrs
Faire un don


Chad Favre
Mandeville, LA

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