Free Dinners for Striking Kellogg's Workers
Tax deductible
To Whom It May Concern,
I am a Battle Creek native, a local organizer, mother, and a member of a proud IBEW Local 445 home. I am writing to ask for support in solidarity with striking workers at Kellogg's by way of providing warm meals to them while they are out on the picket line. I am partnering with God's Kitchen of Michigan so we can provide hot, delicious, meals to people for $10/per plate. This cost includes delivery. Please consider joining me with a donation for one of the following tiers of support.
Tier One: $300
This donation would provide one meal for thirty people.
Tier Two: $600
This donation would provide two meals for thirty people, delivered once weekly for a month.
Tier Three: $1,200
This donation would provide four meals for thirty people, delivered once weekly for a month.
Tier Four: $2,400
This donation would provide eight meals to thirty people, delivered once weekly for two months.
Thank you for valuing working families and considering this as an act of unity. I appreciate your time and efforts.
Together in Solidarity,
Sarah Lawrence
Donate by Mail:
Send your donation to God's Kitchen of Michigan, P.O. Box 2632, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49003.
Add BCTGM in the memo column.
NOTICE: God's Kitchen of Michigan supports this worthy cause. As we continue to celebrate our 10-year anniversary, we honor our union brothers and sister who were the first to sponsor our hunger-relief charity in 2011 (Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 333, and IBEW Local 445). We stand in solidarity with the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Union, Local 3-G.
All donations made to this fundraiser will be used to feed the striking Kellogg's workers in Battle Creek.
Thank you in advance for your charitable gift. Union Solidarity Forever!
Fundraising team (2)

Gods Kitchen of Michigan
Battle Creek, MI
James Brylowski
Team member