***NEED MASKS? Send us requests by clicking here: Survey Here ****
Los Angeles – Bags2Masks is producing and donating personal protective equipment (PPE) face masks to frontline professionals battling COVID-19. These masks have filters made from fiberglass-free vacuum bags.
COVID-19 has global pandemic proportions and at current is ravaging the USA. This has put not only our first responder and healthcare professionals in imminent and immediate risk but also threatens the safety and health of our community as a whole. Bags2Masks is combining forces with both governmental agencies and private industry to get masks made and in the hands of those in need.
Bags2Masks is currently producing 250 masks/day. We have produced over 2,000 masks thus far.
Bags2Masks has hired workers in the Local LA area garment industry who are now working to efficiently craft high-quality products to get to our frontline. This helps our local economy get a boost RIGHT NOW.
****ARE YOU IN NEED OF MASKS? Send your personal requests by clicking here: Survey Here *****
The typical surgical masks capture 89% of .02 micron Bacteriophage MS2, which are 5x smaller than the coronavirus. Vacuum bags catch86% of particles making them substantially more effective than homemade cotton masks, which only capture about 50%. The bags we use are fiberglass free. Our masks are elevated from single-layer standard cloth masks, which also provides a secure hold for our high pathogen-blocking vacuum filters.
Our masks are being created by local garment and textile workers and will be distributed to those who are in the most immediate need, including first responders and frontline healthcare professionals.
Each mask is approximately $6 to create and distribute. This includes materials, labor costs, and shipping. (REMEMBER, WORKERS ARE GETTING PAID! THE TEAM IS NOT).
Follow our social media updates and daily #WIGI videos to meet the people behind the masks - our founders, creative team, volunteers, sewing staff, and hopefully...YOU!
We want to hear you say: “Why I got Involved...”!! Please tag us in a 15-30 second video with your story!
Use #WIGI #B2M on all social media platforms.
Other ways to get #WIGI with us:
1. WELLNESS – stay inside, stay safe, & WEAR YOUR MASK.
2. INSPIRE - join us virtually and share our story.
3. GIVE - your donation size doesn’t matter here!!
4. INCLUDE – refer those you know in need right HERE
VOLUNTEER & DONATION: Please fill out this brief survey https://tinyurl.com/vsrs75w or [email redacted]
Q: How do we submit a request to receive B2M masks?
A: Email us [email redacted] or fill out this quick survey here: HERE
Q: How are the funds used?
A: See THE BREAKDOWN section above. Labor costs are high because this allots funding for labor by professionals for top-quality craftsmanship to provide the best mask possible for our frontline workers. There is also a fee of 2.9% plus $0.30 fee per donation on GoFundMe for payment processing.
Q: Are any of these donations tax-deductible?
A: Donations are not currently tax-deductible. We are in the process of partnering to establish a 501(3)(c) and will keep you updated. All donations are going DIRECTLY towards mask production and distribution. *THE TEAM MEMBERS ARE NOT PROFITING FROM THIS ENDEAVOUR.
Q: How are you prioritizing distribution?
A: Frontline workers will have priority. This is the area of the greatest need with the greatest exposure. We consider frontline workers ANYONE who is customer-facing which includes not only health care professionals, but also firemen, grocery store workers, people who work with the elderly, delivery people, etc. Tell us your situation and we will try to get you some masks! Send your request by filling this out: Survey Here
A: Our masks are not a replacement for N-95 masks. Our current research indicates that our vacuum filter based masks are vastly superior to cloth masks, however, this has not been clinically tested by our team.
Q: Can I offer materials for donation?
A: Please email us at [email redacted] or fill out this brief survey HERE for any offers/partnerships/ideas.
Michael C Donnell - Founder
Finneus Egan – Co-Founder
Leah Cevoli – Creative Director
Craig Asbell – Graphic Design Director
Mona Kulkarni, MD – Medical Consultant
Kelly Thayer – Distribution Logistics
Lola Storm – Product Design and Development
Matty Sumida – Video Director
Sofi Padilla – Graphic Design
Kevin Patz – Content Consultant
Penny Chanwanpen / Quality Control
David DiJulio / General Counsel