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Support Bailey Moser's Surgery

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As you all know, 4 year old Bailey Grace Marie Moser has been battling severe seizures, sometimes up to 40 a day. Her parents, Jimmy & Leanna, have been there for her around the clock fighting to find out how to treat, and potentially cure,  this debilitating disease. Everyone who has followed our story knows it has been  a long road just to get her to Seattle Childrens Hospital where they specialize in these procedures. Finally, our prayers have been answered and we have learned which surgical procedures will be performed as well as the dates for each procedure!!! Laser ablation is not an option.  So... Leanna and Bailey will need to fly to Seattle this Thursday to get Bailey ready for prep and MRI under anesthesia. Jimmy will follow on Sunday. Bailey's first procedure will be on Monday, January 5th (one week from today). It will be a craniotomy with electrode placement over the area superficial to the lesion. Then, she will go to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for several days of careful monitoring. The brain resection surgery will be Thursday or Friday with a 4+ day recovery and unknown deficits.  Post surgical therapy will follow. Jimmy and  Leanna just moved to Idaho about 6 months ago; therefore they have not accumulated significant vacation time or PTO. They have both already taken 7 days off unpaid. Leanna and Jimmy would never request I post this (her sister) but I know that we have some amazing prayer warriors out there and people that would love to help. If you can help with anything to assist toward the airfare for Bailey & her parents, that would be great. They could probably use more than the goal I posted but to be able to do just the tickets would be amazing! We would appreciate any help possible!! They leave in just a few days so time is of the essence! Thank you to all of our amazing friends, family, and followers out there!  For those unable to donate funds, your continued prayers for strength and healing are worth more than you know! God Bless you thank you!  Get well Bailey! xoxo


  • diane valadez
    • $50
    • 10 yrs


Lauren Karnstedt
Lancaster, CA

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