Biking for the Children of Ukraine
Donation protected
Hello from our daughters, Ariana (10) and Carina (7):
Children of Ukraine
Dear children of Ukraine, our hearts are aching for you;
All seems lost, all that you knew.
So much suffering, so many tears,
All things familiar are gone, leaving behind fears.
Your fathers are standing tall, ready to fight
For the land that is yours, the future that must be bright.
Dear children of Ukraine, you must stay strong;
Speak up for all that is wrong.
Give me your hand and you shall see
You are not alone, you are here with me;
And we, we are all here with you,
For together we are stronger, me and you.
Dear children of Ukraine, you must not lose hope;
All is not lost, all is not broke.
The tears you shed will wipe the blood and sorrow,
And the sun will shine bright and YELLOW tomorrow,
The skies will be BLUE and the birds will sing with glee
Over the land that shall be yours, the land that shall be FREE.
Children of Ukraine Poem and Artwork Copyright Notice: Copyright 2022 Ariana and Carina Dinu
Ariana and Carina will be biking 45 miles in El Tour de Mesa in April 2022. They would like to raise funds to help the refugees, especially children, who have had to leave their homes in Ukraine. One hundred percent of the funds will be used to purchase food, medicine, toys and hygiene products for the refugees.
Ariana and Carina’s grandmother, Elena, lives in Galati, Romania, which is 15 miles (25 kilometers) away from the border with Ukraine. Romania has received more than 84,000 Ukrainian refugees as of March 14, 2022. Galati has received more than 10,000 Ukrainian refugees so far. Hundreds of volunteers and organizations are coming together on a daily basis in Galati to offer helping hands to the refugees. One such place is Biserica Crestina Emanuel in Galati. Volunteers at the church have created a shelter for the refugees, offering clean beds, bathrooms, food, medicine and toys.
The funds raised will be sent to Ariana and Carina’s grandmother, Elena, in Galati. Elena will use the funds to purchase necessary items, such as food, hygiene products, medicine and toys, for the Ukrainian refugees at Biserica Crestina Emanuel. One hundred percent of the funds raised will be used for this purpose with no administrative fees.
Thank you for helping our girls to aid in this humanitarian crisis.
For more information about Biserica Crestina Emanuel and their work with Ukrainian refugees, please see the links below:
Below are pictures taken by Elena Dinu of the Ukrainian refugees at Biserica Crestina Emanuel:
Nan and Valentin Dinu
Scottsdale, AZ