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Bob Anderson: NWU Clinical Trial

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Lora Anderson 11/2017:  One year ago we learned that the cancer we thought Bob had outsmarted for 10 years had returned and set up residence in his lungs- it was a Thanksgiving filled with fear and uncertainties. Today there are still uncertainties and of course the fear that goes along with it but there are so many things to be grateful for that most days far outweigh the unknown.
Thank you to each and everyone of you for continuing to be cheerleaders and prayer warriors- we are so grateful.

Lora Anderson Update 12/11/2017:  Bob was the last admitted participant in the phase 2 trial we travelled to Chicago to learn more about today! Good news-drugs are oral, not infusion! More good news- while there are side effects to to the new drugs, they don't seem much different from what he has experienced so far and in fact, the doctor here thinks he won't have much trouble. Best news- drug costs are covered by the study! Only downside is the requirement to travel to Chicago once a month and the fact that our insurance won't cover the physician visits here or the lab work.
We are hopeful about Bob being able to be a part of this study! Thank you for your continued prayers!


  • Laurie Kuduk
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Darcy Howley Worley
Maple Grove, MN

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