Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Brandi Jones Fund

Spende geschützt
Yet again, tragedy was on the news Friday and Saturday. This time, 35 year old Brandi Jones was found deceased in her car, in a field in Hesperia. The killer is still loose, armed and dangerous. Brandi leaves behind a daughter who just started high school, her mom, dad, two brothers, nieces and nephews, and many family and friends whose lives she impacted in her own way. 

Proceeds will go towards whatever her family may need during this heartbreaking time.

Correspondence and donations are shared with Brandi’s parents on a weekly basis. If you’d like to send additional words of love to the family, you may also email to me [E-Mail ausgeblendet] and I’ll be sure to get it to them. I’m one of Brandi’s cousin through Aunt Paula. Steven Jones, brother of Brandi, has been added as a beneficiary.


  • Amber Wang
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Michael Tung
Thousand Oaks, CA
Steve Jones

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