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Bret Aikin's Memorial Fund

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On January 18, 2015 we lost an amazing man. Bret Aikin, 56, was a loving dad, husband, son, brother, and friend. Bret served in the US Navy from 1976 to 1981. He is survived by his wife Judy, and three daughters Britney,  Ariel, and Jessica. He was also expecting his first Grandchild (Elena) in just a couple of weeks. Over the past few years he has battled with extensive health issues. But through it all he continued to volunteer his services with the Heroes of Freedom organization helping disabled veterans with home renovations.

In honor of his memory and the many lives he touched, we are starting a memorial fund to help with his funeral and burial expenses.

We appreciate your help and consideration through this tough time. Thank you.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 10 yrs


Nikki Aikin
Orlando, FL

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