Bruce Mccain Memorial / Scholarship
Bruce McCain was an accomplished man, whom amongst many things, served on the Reynolds School Board for the past four years, and served as Chairman and on the licensed staff negotiation team this past school year. Serving with dedication and distinction over his term, he had advocated for student programs such as Outdoor School and JROTC, licensed staff and smaller classrooms, curriculum oversight by the board with public input, and community involvement with the superintendent hire. He served his position well.
Bruce lost his battle with brain cancer on May 18, 2015, and for all us, too early. A Community Memorial Service is scheduled for Saturday, May 30, 2015 at 5:30pm in the Reynolds High School Performing Arts Building, with a small reception to follow.
We are establishing this fund to support two of the most important things to Bruce, both family and the students of the Reynolds School District. Funds would be applied to cover any costs that may occur from the Funeral / Memorial Service and to launch a Bruce McCain Memorial Scholarship.
Let’s work together to pay tribute to our dear friend and colleague by donating today.