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Help get Bryce to the UN

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My name is Bryce Biddulph, I'm a sophomore at Faith Lutheran High School and I'm on the Model United Nations team for my school. This is my second year on this MUN team and it has been an amazing experience I wouldn't give up for the world. I've attended 3 previous conferences (one at UCLA, another in Washington DC, one here in Vegas) and every one has been better than the last. Model UN is a club/team that puts high school and college kids up against one another in a battle of diplomacy. Most schools will go on around three trips annually, usually hosted by college students. In the Model UN conferences, kids like myself are debating and resolving real world issues going on today, as if it were a real United Nations conference. These trips are a blast, and this year my team is going to New York City to compete in the International Change the World Model UN conference (http://www.cwmun.org/).

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, and if I'm going to make this amazing trip, I'm going to need some help. My Mom and my stepdad are trying to grow their brand new commercial/residental cleaning business, Posh Cleaning Company and my Dad just started with a new company so, as you can imagine, money is tight for everyone right now.

I love this team because of my experience with it, I've seen a lot of cool things, and met a lot of great people in my short time with this group. I've also learned so much about the world around me, why the world is still the way it is, even with the UN working tirelessly around the clock. I've seen firsthand how difficult diplomacy really is, and it's made me grow as a person, a citizen, and a student. I really wish that I didn't have to do this, but if I don't I will miss out on an amazing opportunity, but enough about me. Model UN is a strong foundation for world changers and future good politicians. Great men start young, and I don't want to stop. Every bit is appreciated, thank you.


  • Tia Sinclair
    • $100
    • 10 yrs


Bill Biddulph
Las Vegas, NV

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