It seems we lost
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Shalom y'all.
After fighting what became Stage IV pancreatic cancer using the best alternative naturalpathic remedy available, Catol just kept getting weaker and weaker. Infection kept reoccuring that caused her to be hospitalized four times within the past two months.
Carol asked her kids to come together to talk abot her future and about her end. She told us that she felt she had fulfilled her G-d ordained destiny and purpose. She said that she raised incredible kids who have raised some incredible kids. And she said that G-d had neumbered her days before she was even born and she feels that they are coming to an end soon. She made us promise that what she really wanted was not to die in a hospital. She said she wants to go home from home.
She has had private duty nurses for the past two months. They have been monitoring her IV antibiotics and dealt with some wound care. But this is limited to these only. In the past 30 days, Carol has been back in the hospital twice. The second time, her hemaglobin was down to 7. Normal range is from 12.1 to 15.1. This causes extreme fatigue and dizziness.
And these symptoms have brought Carol to the point of giving up. Watching her not eating for days, not being able to even walk to the bathroom, and spending most of the day speeping have me to the point of having to let her go. This has been the hardest few days of my life.
So now, we are preparing for Carol to go home to heaven. And we must bury her, and because of the past six years of memories, I must move out of the home we shared. Because I've been taking care of Carol around the clock for the past two months, I have not had time to be on the phone to make a living. So, I am more broke than I have been in the past 30 years. So, we need your help.
FaceBook says I have 3,145 friends. I have 3,284 LinkedIn connections and a bunch of folks follow me on Twitter. Among all those who at least know who we are, certainly there are enough people willing to help us yake care of these final expenses. If each pf you gave us $2.00, we'd have it covered. Of course, very few will give anything, but some of you will give generously as you did when Carol was fighting this dreaded disease that has nearly taken her life.
Please orayerfully consider what you may do to help us through this hardest time of our lives. Please continue to pray that Carol's passing may be easy and that I will remain strong through it all.
Thank you.
Rabbi Marty & Lady Carol Cohen
After fighting what became Stage IV pancreatic cancer using the best alternative naturalpathic remedy available, Catol just kept getting weaker and weaker. Infection kept reoccuring that caused her to be hospitalized four times within the past two months.
Carol asked her kids to come together to talk abot her future and about her end. She told us that she felt she had fulfilled her G-d ordained destiny and purpose. She said that she raised incredible kids who have raised some incredible kids. And she said that G-d had neumbered her days before she was even born and she feels that they are coming to an end soon. She made us promise that what she really wanted was not to die in a hospital. She said she wants to go home from home.
She has had private duty nurses for the past two months. They have been monitoring her IV antibiotics and dealt with some wound care. But this is limited to these only. In the past 30 days, Carol has been back in the hospital twice. The second time, her hemaglobin was down to 7. Normal range is from 12.1 to 15.1. This causes extreme fatigue and dizziness.
And these symptoms have brought Carol to the point of giving up. Watching her not eating for days, not being able to even walk to the bathroom, and spending most of the day speeping have me to the point of having to let her go. This has been the hardest few days of my life.
So now, we are preparing for Carol to go home to heaven. And we must bury her, and because of the past six years of memories, I must move out of the home we shared. Because I've been taking care of Carol around the clock for the past two months, I have not had time to be on the phone to make a living. So, I am more broke than I have been in the past 30 years. So, we need your help.
FaceBook says I have 3,145 friends. I have 3,284 LinkedIn connections and a bunch of folks follow me on Twitter. Among all those who at least know who we are, certainly there are enough people willing to help us yake care of these final expenses. If each pf you gave us $2.00, we'd have it covered. Of course, very few will give anything, but some of you will give generously as you did when Carol was fighting this dreaded disease that has nearly taken her life.
Please orayerfully consider what you may do to help us through this hardest time of our lives. Please continue to pray that Carol's passing may be easy and that I will remain strong through it all.
Thank you.
Rabbi Marty & Lady Carol Cohen
Carol Cohen
Hurst, TX