Help me Change the Course of Cancer
Tax deductible
Wouldn’t it be great if doctors could tailor cancer treatment so that exactly the right medicine was given at exactly the right dose at exactly the right time to save you or your family member right here in our own back yard?
In 2015, the Al Copeland Foundation and all its donors have made huge strides to bring Personalized Cancer Treatment to our community! Because of donors like you we were able to fund state-of-the-art cancer research equipment valued at over $360,000 at the LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans. We thank you and hope you can join us in giving today to ensure we continue to Change the Course o
f Cancer in Louisiana.
Why give to ACF on Al Copeland Day?
A huge part of Big Al was dedicated to charity and to the improvement of his beloved city and state. In 1989, the $1 million Alvin C. Copeland Endowed Chair of Franchising was established at Louisiana State University. As a result, June 28, 1989 was named “Al Copeland Day” in both the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana. We honor him this month by asking people to donate to Al Copeland Foundation .
Please join me in honoring Big Al and Changing the Course of Cancer in Louisiana ! Don't forget to #eatchicken so we can share all the wonderful pictures, stories and donations!
Why Give to ACF? Check out this video to learn why..
Kathleen Gross
Metairie, LA
Al Copeland Foundation