Hold Doctors and Hospitals Accountable for Penis Injuries
Tax deductible
Intact America, a nonprofit organization that works to protect boys and men from medically unnecessary circumcision and other genital injuries, is seeking your help to launch a consumer-facing complaint database for collecting complaints and reporting medical professionals who harm boys and the men they become.
The foreskin (or prepuce) is a natural and useful part of the male genitals. “Routine” circumcision (surgical removal of the foreskin) is medically unnecessary and can create short- and long-term harm. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the trade association for children’s physicians, acknowledges this. The AAP also warns that boys’ intact foreskins should never be forcibly retracted (this can cause severe pain and bleeding), and states that the foreskin will loosen and separate naturally as the boy grows up.
Yet the medical establishment actively promotes circumcision, insisting that complications are rare, and turns a blind eye to doctors’ and nurses’ disregard of warnings about the harms of foreskin removal and forcible foreskin retraction.
Parents and men who have witnessed or experienced physical, sexual, and emotional harm would like to file a complaint concerning their sons’ or their own penile injuries, but they encounter multiple barriers in the process.
To address this national health crisis, Intact America developed DoNoHarm.report, a website powered by a custom software solution to enable individuals and families who have been wronged to hold perpetrators and oversight authorities responsible for genital injuries inflicted on boys and the men they become.
DoNoHarm.report (DNH) collects case data online, stores it on a secure server, auto-completes the necessary state-specific forms, and submits them to the responsible parties. The complaints also are sent to the respective states’ oversight agencies and the national Joint Commission, which sets standards for healthcare organizations. Through DNH, individuals can file complaints about iatrogenic (doctor- or nurse-caused) genital harms to themselves or others. Reportable events include: a) pressure placed upon parents to agree to the forcible removal of their sons’ normal, healthy foreskin (i.e., circumcision solicitation); b) complications resulting from circumcision surgery; and c) injuries caused by forcible retraction of intact (non-circumcised) boys’ foreskins by, or under instructions from, doctors or nurses.
Intact America will use the anonymous information collected in DoNoHarm.report to publicize these hereto under-reported adverse events to the media, policy makers, and the public.
DoNoHarm.report is now accepting claims of harm that occurred in Georgia, and—with your help—will be rolled out state-by-state as funds become available.
Intact America is seeking $50,000 to cover the initial costs of implementing DoNoHarm.report in 2024.
Your donations will be used to cover three major program costs: ADVERTISING so victims will know this service is available; STAFF AND PROCESSING for filing and following up on the medical complaints; and EXPANSION OF THE SERVICE TO ADDITIONAL STATES, eventually to cover the entire nation.
Intact America, founded in 2008, is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization certified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Registered in 2016 as an independent corporation in the State of Delaware, Intact America’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 81-2887457. Intact America has Platinum transparency status on Guidestar.org.
Please help us to launch this innovative and radical approach for holding responsible the medical professionals who have sworn to “Do No Harm,” but who injure boys and the men they will become.
Intact America