Daffadil's eye was removed, please help us with the bill
Tax deductible
UPDATE 4/24/2024
Daffadil's eye could not be saved and had to be removed. Unfortunately the bill turned out higher than we initially hoped for. But Daffadil is doing well and is going to be ok.
Please share this GoFundMe so we can raise some more funds to help us pay the bill.

You can make a difference by donating today to Happy Go Lucky Feral Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, Inc.
Daffadil escaped from her house in March 2024. Her daddy was worried sick but she was not seen anywhere. Happy Go Lucky Feral Cat Rescue got a call from one their volunteer feeders that there was a kitty meowing her head off behind a fence. Donna jumped in to get the kitty, she scanned it and it turned out the lost cat Daffadil! Donna also noticed her eye was severely injured. Look at the photo how Daffadil was found. Donna offered to take daffodil to Cat’s Exclusive to have the eye checked out. Daffadil is scheduled for eye surgery on April 23rd 2024. The doctor will first try to save the eye by removing scar tissue to see if the eye will move forward in the eye socket. If that works the surgery will be $130. If that doesn’t work then the vet will have to remove the whole eye and the surgery will be $430. Daffadil’s owner is not in a position to pay for any expenses right now. Happy Go Lucky rescue wants to help Daffadil and we asking for your help. Happy Go Lucky is a 501 c3 and solely runs on donations. Please help us get daffadil’s eye surgery, thank you!

Happy Go Lucky Feral Cat Rescue and Sanctuary Inc
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Happy Go Lucky Feral Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, Inc