Praying & giving back to Danny Graham
Please help our family raise money for Danny Graham as he is in critical condition at Eskenazi Hospital in Indianapolis, IN. He was a dedicated and passionate shop owner of Graham's Auto & Body Shop for many years until his business caught an accidental fire on Tuesday, May 27th. Danny suffered from 2nd and 3rd degree burns on nearly half of his body. While he is on the road to recovery, his expenses will continue to grow. Let's show some love and support to a man whom has helped others within his community amongst his friends and family. Please lift him up in your prayers and donate whatever you can at this given time.
Also if you are not able to give electronically through this site and would love to give any donations please visit any local PNC Bank under our Trust Fund named "The Danny Graham Foundation."
In advance thank you all for your generous donations,support, thoughts and prayers.