(Sean) DICER PHOTOS Camera Repair
If you live in the AK Valley & you've been to just about any sporting or special event then surely you've seen Sean Dicer on the sidelines photographing the students participating. Whether it's football, hockey, baseball, softball, basketball, marching band, graduation, prom, musicals, parades, field trips, etc. he is ALWAYS there taking photos and graciously posting them on Facebook for you to cherish. As the families of these kids I know you all value the photos as much as I do. We could never get shots like that & more often then not he's there when some moms & dads are still at work.
Unfortunately, Sean's camera is broken & needs repaired. Please help by donating to repair or maybe even replace his equipment. All proceeds will go into an account that only he will have access to, so please donate today!!!
And don't forget to SHARE to get the word out!