LSAC's Campaign for 826 Boston
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We’ve chosen to support 826 Boston at the 2019 LSAC Annual Meeting and Educational Conference. This organization provides after-school tutoring, field trips, creative writing workshops, in-school tutoring, help for English Language Learners, and in-depth publishing projects for students. Its mission of helping traditionally underserved students is key to LSAC’s mission of increasing diversity and access to legal education.
More information about 826 Boston: 826 Boston is a nonprofit youth writing and publishing organization that empowers traditionally underserved students ages 6-18 to find their voices, tell their stories, and gain communication skills to succeed in school and in life.
What's a dollar worth? Any donation to 826 Boston assists the organization in its mission to help young writers. A $25 donation, for example, funds one week of lined paper, No. 2 pencils, and eraser caps at the group’s Writers' Rooms in Boston Public Schools, while a $500 gift pays for an entire class to attend a Storytelling and Bookmaking Field Trip.
More information about 826 Boston: 826 Boston is a nonprofit youth writing and publishing organization that empowers traditionally underserved students ages 6-18 to find their voices, tell their stories, and gain communication skills to succeed in school and in life.
What's a dollar worth? Any donation to 826 Boston assists the organization in its mission to help young writers. A $25 donation, for example, funds one week of lined paper, No. 2 pencils, and eraser caps at the group’s Writers' Rooms in Boston Public Schools, while a $500 gift pays for an entire class to attend a Storytelling and Bookmaking Field Trip.
The Law School Admission Council
Newtown, PA
826 Boston Inc.