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Duquesne Trumpet Ensemble at ITG

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The Duquense University Trumpet Ensemble has been invited to perform at the 2018 International Trumpet Guild Conference in San Antonio, TX! The dates of the conference are May 29 - June 2.

We will be performing one of the trumpet preludes prior to one of the main events of the conference, showcasing the wonderful talent in the Duquesne University trumpet studio. We are very excited to take part in this prestigious event! You contribution will go directly to offset our travel expenses (airfare, hotel, transportation). We thank you SO MUCH for your help! It means so much to have so many of you help us achieve this goal and to show the international trumpet community the great things that are happening at Duquense!


  • David Anderson
    • $25
    • 6 yrs


Chad Winkler
Pittsburgh, PA

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