Europeans Abroad Vote 2014
20+ millions of Europeans live outside the European Union or outside their country of origin within the EU. It is sometimes difficult for these expatriates or emigrants to fulfill their civic duty, and vote in their own countries' elections - because they forget, because they don't know when, they don't know how, or worse, because it doesn't matter to them anymore. Many of them do not even know that they can vote in European Elections in May 2014:
Europeans Abroad Vote 2014 is a non-partisan civic action dedicated to European citizens who live abroad and want to participate and vote in the European Parliament elections.
Phase 1 of this project started on November 6, 2013. In less than 2 months, over 500 people have liked, followed, registered, joined: our social network on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or directly on our website!
We have also established great relations with over a dozen of EU, diplomatic and non-profit organizations to help us spread the word, and provide their support and expertise.
Now, we are ready to raise the bar with Phase 2: the launch of the full version of our website, and more buzz to engage our fellow European expatriates. But we need your help to cover for some of our launch expenses: the explainer video (to introduce the project), professional logo and graphic design, and administrative fees. It quickly adds up!
- Continue to work with a professional graphic designer
- Produce other videos - and we have 2 scripts ready!
- Organize a Press Event
- Help our volunteers organize local events where they live
- Help us cover our travel expenses to go meet with potential partners and supports (NGOs, diplomats, elected officials, academic institutions, businesses:)