Lindenhurst Robotics Team533 Get To Championships
Tax deductible
The Lindenhurst Robotics Team 533 - the PSIcotics competed this past week (March 23-25, 2023) in the FIRST Robotics Long Island Regional #2 at Hofstra University. Team 533 - the PSIcotics along with their alliance partners WON FIRST PLACE! They are so excited and grateful to everyone who worked so hard to help them succeed. They are a great team, with a 50/50 split of girls and boys. This year their Build President, Kali Nilsen, won the Deans List Award at the Hofstra regional. The entire team worked tirelessly through build season and came together to compete with "gracious professionalism", a FIRST Robotics core value.
Now we need your help! We are raising money for Championship expenses. Please help us get the team to the FIRST Robotics World Championships in Houston, Texas (April 19-23, 2023). We have less than a month to raise the money so that the entire team can go and compete. Please share this fundraiser with family, friends and potential sponsors.
Thank you to the Lindenhurst School District / School Board, the team sponsors, all the parents, and especially to the dedicated mentors and advisors who help the team all year long.
The Lindenhurst Robotics Coalition is a 501c3 not-for-profit and your donation is tax-deductible.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Lindenhurst PSIcotics
Lindenhurst, NY
Lindenhurst Robotics Coalition