Fade To Black Entertainment Society
Donation protected
Hi, I'm Lincoln Thorne of Fade to Black Entertainment Society. First, I'd like to thank you for taking a moment to hear about why we would like you to financially support this GoFundMe campaign.
We are a not-for-profit BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) collective of local artists raising funds to support our organization.
This year, we are featuring over 50 independent artists of color and like-minded performers from five cities, including locally in BC, eastern Canada, and the USA. We are proud to bring you another consecutive year highlighting independent music, film, and now literature that focuses on the diaspora of the past. Da LuV'James celebrates poetic verses, authors, and knowledge and history on the WORD IS BORN literary stage, complete with video, music, comedy workshops, etc.
Today’s diversity and influence from the emancipation of Black African peoples and their contributions to our culture is what we all enjoy knowing. We’re proud to showcase stories of the many lives we call Black here in Vancouver and around the globe, highlighting the role that diversity plays in reflecting the human condition and driving social change.
Our festival furthers the cause as an underrepresented arts community organizer in assisting BIPOC artists. This event covers music performances, workshops, poetry SLAM, literature, and wellness in a growing vibrant atmosphere in the lower mainland/BC. By focusing on inspiring emerging and established artists, the global community can connect, showcase, stream, engage, and heal our diaspora.
Our events are all run by grants, donations, and pay-as-you-go contributions made possible by Fade to Black Entertainment Society and patrons like you in support of these talented Afro-Canadian and like-minded artists. We ask that you contribute what you can in helping us with our grassroots organization, covering our fees for logistics, labor, and the artists we support; our online platforms carrying the events; and the workers and amenities to help make this a success.
Together, with the support of musicians, storytellers, arts facilitators, cultural activists, and emerging talents in the Afro-Canadian diaspora, we can continue providing these events, highlighting our talents, and growing our footprint in our Canadian mosaic of cultural representation.
Thank you for your time and investment. Join us at our events and further connect with us online at Fade to Black Entertainment, BMMV24, and on Instagram @blackmusicmonthbc, @fadetoblackentertainment, @fadetoblacklabs, and on Facebook @blackmusicbc @vancouverblackfilm.
Lincoln Thorne
Artistic Director / Founder
Linx Sax
Vancouver, BC