Failed Kidney's, to a new, better life for Oliver.
Donation protected
My name is Nathalie, and I am the proudest Mumma to Oliver. He is 24 in April. He has a wonderful, nearly 25-year-old brother - Finley, and these boys are my whole world.
In October 2020, Ollie woke up blind.
He had, just weeks before, qualified as a fantastic chef in Moretonhampstead, in Devon, Dartmoor National Park, UK.
Overnight, his life was changed forever. His kidneys were failing, with no prior warning. He was a perfectly super fit person before this, with zero health concerns.
That fateful day, his heart rate had risen to 260 beats per minute. His brain swelled so much that he had bleeds behind his eyes, hence the blindness.
Rushed to the Intensive care unit in Exeter, the fantastic staff at the hospital tried to bring down his blood pressure and save his life. They succeeded. He slowly regained his sight. However, he has nearly lost his life four times since.
His dialysis, a house move, the effects of trauma and a very stressful time took a toll on him and still does every day.
His father, thankfully, was a match. I was not. His kidney donation was delayed from March to July 2022 due to Covid hospital-related delays, and we are all living in abject fear constantly.
Due to his remote location, the hospital arranges transport to provide him with dialysis every other day. Without that, he would no longer be with us.
Oliver has a tube sticking out of his neck for dialysis delivery at the hospital and a line sticking out of his stomache for home dialysis. He never went through with the home dialysis, as it would have meant him being on it for 6 hours a day, seven days a week.
Every other day on dialysis was more than enough for him, so he is going in for an op on the 23rd of March to get the stomach line removed.
His goals and wishes have ceased while waiting for a kidney donation.
He was going to get driving lessons, a car and two surgical procedures that the NHS does not cover.
I am currently living 350 miles away from him and cannot move just yet, due to reasons outside of my control. My efforts to raise money are one of the few things I can do to help him in his plight.
Due to his kidneys, his body swelled with toxic fluid, poisoning him. This is being managed with dialysis.
I currently work as a P.A. for the Lincoln Science and Innovation Park. www.lincolnsciencepark.co.uk
I am an Artist. I paint, sculpt and silversmith, and have done many exhibitions over the last 15 years. Amazingly, the Science park has agreed to my request to have a show in their building in December to raise funds for my Ollie. My Artwork - Facebook - The Nathalie Lomas Art Gallery.
The Science park is 75% owned by the Lincolnshire Co-op HQ and the University of Lincoln. All venues are willing and able to provide platforms to expose my work and support my cause.
I have a tremendous amount of Artwork, ready to sell and can produce much more in time for December.
Please, please help me raise funds for my darling boy.
He has no quality of life. I wish and hope the quality of life can be as good as it possibly can be post-op. He will always have issues surrounding his medical condition; all I can do right now is all that I can to make his life a little less traumatic, wherever possible.
Organizer and beneficiary
Nathalie Lomas
Oliver Lomas