Felana's Bday Fundraiser for school fees in Madagascar
Tax deductible
Our beloved Felana is turned 6 and we are continuing to raise funds to send all the children in Bako's ancesteral village in Madagascar to school and help with shoes and notebooks. Thank you for your support! We appreciate you all!
The fundraiser started as a fundraiser in honor of JJ 4th Bday and now is continuing as a fundraiser in honor Felana's 6th Bday.
Our beloved JJ is turning 4! In honor of his birthday we are raising funds to ensure all his cousins and all the children in Bako's ancesteral village (Ananmonana, Fianarantsoa) that want to study are able to pay school fees, receive shoes/fipfops, notebooks, and pencils. Many family members and neighbors are unable to send their children to school because of lack of resources. Every year Bako aims to send more and more of her village to school.
Our friends at Nofy i' Androy will be ensuring the school fees are paid directly to the schools and that the children receive all the school supplies. Our goal this year is to send 30 students to school from Ananmonana, Fianarantsoa Madagascar.
More information about Nofy i Androy: Nofy i Androy is organized to address shortcomings in female education for underprivileged female students in Madagascar. It is our mission to grow the basic educational infrastructure, tools, and resources that we believe every student should have as they attempt to receive a quality education.

Max Cadji
Oakland, CA
Nofy i Androy