Support Our Filipino WWII Veterans
In 2016, President Obama signed the Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Medal Act. The original medal is housed at the Smithsonian. The sacrifice of our manongs and manangs came at a high price. Many of them have passed on and those who are still with us are well beyond their 90's. These veterans should receive the honor and the Congressional Gold Medal ( the United States' highest civilian honor) without the financial burden of purchasing them.
Donations will go directly towards The Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project (FilVetREP). FilVetREP was formed to inspire a new generation of advocates and people of good will to action on behalf of our Filipino Veterans. Continuing to build on the success of last year’s historic passage of the Fiilipino Veterans of WWII Congressional Gold Medal Act, FilVetREP is raising money to provide financial assistance to our Filipino Veterans of World War II who would still need to provide payment of $50 to receive their Congressional Gold Medals, which they had earned with their lives.
President Obama signed into law legislation on February 18, 2009 that created the Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund that, while not fully absolving the U.S. government’s responsibility, provided an important support for these veterans in their twilight years. As one of the first acts of President Obama’s new Administration, this move was the culmination of many historical and political realities, including: 1) his own personal support for the Filipino WWII veterans, informed by his tenure in the Senate and his childhood in Hawai`i; 2) the legacy of Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI) and the tireless support of other champions in the Senate and House; but most importantly; 3) the tireless advocacy and groundswell of support for these veterans led by a diverse coalition of Filipino Americans, allies from veterans service organizations, Asian American and Pacific Islander groups, civil rights organizations, and others of good will who sprang into action in response to how the U.S. government turned its back on these soldiers despite their selfless service.
In 2016, President Obama signed the Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Medal Act, which defines Filipino Veterans of World War II to include an individual who was 1) honorably at any time from July 26, 1941, to December 31, 1946; 2) in an active-duty status under the command of the U.S. Armed Forces in the Far East; and 3) within the Philippine Commonwealth Army, the Philippine Scouts, the Philippine Constabulary, Recognized Guerrilla units, the New Philippine Scouts, the First Filipino Infantry Regiment, the Second Filipino Infantry Battalion (Separate), or the First Reconnaissance Battalion, OR an individual who was commanding or serving in such a unit as a U.S. military officer or enlisted soldier.