For the orphanage ZHURAVNO, LVIV (UCRANIA)
Donation protected
Los fondos que se recauden se destinarán a la ciudad de Lviv (Ucrania) a través de la entidad benéfica AMICS X BÒSNIA, BADALONA 2004, con número 566 del registro municipal de entidades de Badalona, y 30017-B del registro de entidades de la Generalitat de Catalunya. En el orfanato de ZHURAVNO, (LVIV), se hayan más de 70 niños y niñas con serios problemas de nutrición, nuestro proyecto se basa en hacerles llegar alimentos y artículos de primera necesidad a diario. Para ello hemos organizado el festival «BADAROCK CON UCRANIA», que se celebrará el 9 de julio en el CENTRE CULTURAL L'ESCORXADOR de Badalona. Las actuaciones, con carácter desinteresado por parte de músicos y organizadores, irán a cargo de los grupos locales: “SIRIUS” “ARMA-T” y “MANTHEUM”.
La cantidad que solicitamos en esta campaña es para hacer frente a pagos previos (infraestructuras, equipos de sonido y otros proveedores) a la celebración. La entrada será gratuita y la recaudación íntegra que se obtenga por la venta de bebidas, bocadillos y otros objetos a la venta en las carpas dispuestas al efecto durante el festival, se destinará integramente a comprar alimentos y artículos de primera necesidad para los niños y niñas del orfanato. Muchas gracias por vuestra aportación.
The funds raised will go to the city of Lviv (Ukraine) through the charity AMICS X BÒSNIA, BADALONA 2004, with number 566 of the municipal registry of entities of Badalona, and 30017-B of the registry of entities of the Generalitat of Catalonia. In the ZHURAVNO orphanage (LVIV), there are more than 70 boys and girls with serious nutritional problems, our project is based on sending them food and essential items on a daily basis. To this end, we have organized the “BADAROCK WITH UKRAINE” festival, which will be held on July 9 at the L'ESCORXADOR CULTURAL CENTER in Badalona. The performances, with a selfless character by musicians and organizers, will be in charge of local groups: "SIRIUS" "ARMA-T" and "MANTHEUM".
The amount we are requesting in this campaign is to deal with prior payments (infrastructure, sound equipment and other providers) to the celebration. Admission will be free and the entire collection obtained from the sale of drinks, sandwiches and other objects for sale in the tents set up for this purpose during the festival, will be used entirely to buy food and basic necessities for children. from the orphanage. Thank you very much for your contribution.
The funds raised will go to the city of Lviv (Ukraine) through the charity AMICS X BÒSNIA, BADALONA 2004, with number 566 of the municipal registry of entities of Badalona, and 30017-B of the registry of entities of the Generalitat of Catalonia. In the ZHURAVNO orphanage (LVIV), there are more than 70 boys and girls with serious nutritional problems, our project is based on sending them food and essential items on a daily basis. To this end, we have organized the “BADAROCK WITH UKRAINE” festival, which will be held on July 9 at the L'ESCORXADOR CULTURAL CENTER in Badalona. The performances, with a selfless character by musicians and organizers, will be in charge of local groups: "SIRIUS" "ARMA-T" and "MANTHEUM".
The amount we are requesting in this campaign is to deal with prior payments (infrastructure, sound equipment and other providers) to the celebration. Admission will be free and the entire collection obtained from the sale of drinks, sandwiches and other objects for sale in the tents set up for this purpose during the festival, will be used entirely to buy food and basic necessities for children. from the orphanage. Thank you very much for your contribution.
Fundraising team: Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)
Carles Martret Adrubau
Badalona, CT
Carol Aguilar
Team member