Fundraiser for new pain relief options
Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of Humanitas Trust and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution a cause that means so much to me.
Personally I have had pain issues since my teenage years and in the last 6 years I had grown so sick of it all that I decided to keep trying to find a cure, an answer till I had one. I had a couple of procedures and a major surgery to try and help and it left me in more pain then I had originally. This increase in pain was diagnosed as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Some days were worse then others. I was then put on a combination of medications that improved my life but didn’t stop the pain completely. Sadly these medications made me incredibly tired and my life narrowed down to work and sleep.
I missed the little things in life that the pain had taken away like taking the dogs for a walk without having to go home and lie down afterwards, or even being able to do the groceries and some housework on the same day, or being able to sit down comfortably and have dinner with friends and family. At one stage I was thinking I had to give up on working altogether due to the pain but luckily my specialist talked me out of it.
Then I was referred to Dr Stack and things started to improve again. The day I first tried Dr Stacks medication my entire body was aching and in pain. Within 5 minutes of application of the new medication the local area was the best it had been in years and within 30 minutes 90% of the pain in other areas of my body had gone as well.
To me it was unbelievable.
I know I’m one of the lucky ones who has had access to both this incredible Doctor and a medication that works and did not cause me any side effects. I am no longer using the old medications that were making me tired and my life has changed for the better. I can do the things I loved and missed so much again.
More information about Humanitas Trust:
Dr. Clive Stack is the founder and medical director of Humanitas Trust a Tasmanian based charity that has been supporting the development of this promising new treatment for the debilitating painful condition CRPS and it’s variants. The small team of research specialists are volunteering their time and efforts to make this possible. They have made significant progress with early results that I can personally attest to that are very promising. They now need our help to make it possible to progress this work so that they can ultimately get a treatment out to the wider community. Their goal is to raise at least $50 000 to allow funding towards the next step in achieving the registration of their treatment. The more money raised, the faster they can move to making an effective treatment available to people, like me suffering from CRPS. CRPS sufferers like I was are desperate for an effective low risk affordable treatment and you can help make this possible. Your donation large or small will help bring the reality of effective relief closer. CRPS is a condition that has sufferers world wide for which there is currently no cure. Please help me to help them make a difference.