Thousand 4 £1000 has been set up so that if you are caught on the wrong side of the immigration rules, you can find a home. Last year we housed 20 refugees who would otherwise be homeless as well as a further 28 with legal difficulties. We now need more donations to house more!!!
Thanks to being raised in middle-class family in a 1st-world country, the build-up to Christmas and Christmas itself is more than comfortable. Plenty of great food, drinks and warm house which I can call home.
Theresa May set out to make, in her words, a 'really toxic cenviornment for refugees, cruelly denying undocumented migrants access to NHS, banking, social security benefits and education and preventing those without the right paperwork from working or renting from a private landlord. Life is not fair for refugees.
As well as your generous donation, I CHALLENGE YOU and a friend to live off £1 each day for 3 days, 5 days or a week or more. Using the hashtags #thousand41000 and #Getthemwarm
Copy and paste our Gofundme link and send the following message to your friends and family on all social medias or through whatever means:
Text COMFORT to 70450 to donate £5 Texts cost £5 plus one standard rate message. Or add your own amount after the word COMFORT - eg to donate £20, text COMFORT 20 to 70450
With little to no overheads, and being a small, volunteer-based charity, you can be rest-assured that all of your money will be going to some of the most vulnerable people in Brighton